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Our Mission

Our mission is to prepare our students to become lifelong learners in a nurturing environment with high expectations for academic, social and emotional development. We intend for our students to become responsible, respectful and productive citizens in an ever-changing, diverse society. We strive to create learning experiences that encourage and extend individual talent, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving and curiosity. We aim to develop students who believe that hard work ignites their ability and turns it into accomplishment.

An infographic featuring hexagonal elements at the center labeled %22Collaborators,%22 %22Critical and Academic Thinkers,%22 %22Healthy and Balanced,%22 %22Socially and Globally Engaged,%22 and %22Communicators.%22 Surrounding the hexagons are circles with images of people engaged in various activities, each circle tinted with a different color, representing different aspects of personal and academic growth.